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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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Page 16

2.5.1.  Definition of Initial Methods

As they are currently existing specifications for message authentication, it is appropriate to define an authentication method identifier for each of [AUTH], [DKIM], [DOMAINKEYS], [SENDERID], and [SPF].  Therefore, the authentication method identifiers “auth”, “dkim”, “domainkeys”, “sender-id”, and “spf”, respectively are hereby defined for MTAs applying those specifications for email message authentication.

2.5.1.  初期方式の定義


Furthermore, method “iprev” is defined in Section 3.


See Section 6 for details.


2.5.2.  Extension Methods

Additional authentication method identifiers (extension methods) may be defined in the future by later revisions or extensions to this specification.  Extension methods beginning with “x-” will never be defined as standard fields; such names are reserved for experimental use.  Method identifiers not beginning with “x-” MUST be registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and published in an RFC.  See Section 6 for further details.

2.5.2.  方式の拡張


Extension methods may be defined for the following reasons:


1.  To allow additional information from new authentication systems to be communicated to MUAs or downstream filters.  The names of such identifiers should reflect the name of the method being defined, but should not be needlessly long.

1 新しい認証システムからの追加情報をMUAや下流フィルタに通信できるようにするため。このような識別子の名前は定義されている方式の名前を反映すべきであるが、不必要に長くすべきではない。

2.  To allow the creation of “sub-identifiers” that indicate different levels of authentication and differentiate between their relative strengths, e.g., “auth1-weak” and “auth1-strong”.

2 様々なレベルの認証を示したり、それらの相対的強度を差別化する“sub-identifier”を生成できるようにするため。たとえば、“auth1-weak”と“auth1-strong”など。

Implementations of new methods MUST use the “x-” prefix until such time as the new method is registered by IANA.


Authentication method implementors are encouraged to provide adequate information, via [MAIL] comments if necessary, to allow an MUA developer to understand or relay ancillary details of authentication results.  For example, if it might be of interest to relay what data was used to perform an evaluation, such information could be relayed as a comment in the header field, such as:

     Authentication-Results: example.com;
              foo=pass bar.baz=blob (2 of 3 tests OK)


     Authentication-Results: example.com;
              foo=pass bar.baz=blob (2 of 3 tests OK)


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