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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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Page 15

fail:  The SMTP client had attempted to authenticate to the server using the protocol described in [AUTH] but was not successful, yet continued to send the message about which a result is being reported.

fail: SMTPクライアントが[AUTH]で説明されているプロトコルを使ってサーバを認証しようとしたが、合格しなかった。しかし、どんな結果が報告されているかについてのメッセージを送信し続けた。

temperror:  The SMTP client attempted to authenticate using the protocol described in [AUTH] but was not able to complete the attempt due to some error which is likely transient in nature, such as a temporary Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) lookup error.  A later attempt may produce a final result.

temperror: SMTPクライアントは[AUTH]で説明されているプロトコルを使って認証を試みたが、一時的なLDAP検索エラーなどの本来短期的と思われるエラーのために試行を完了できなかった。後の試行では最終的な結果が生成されるかもしれない。

permerror:  The SMTP client attempted to authenticate using the protocol described in [AUTH] but was not able to complete the attempt due to some error that is likely not transient in nature, such as a permanent LDAP lookup error.  A later attempt is not likely produce a final result.

permerror: SMTPクライアントは[AUTH]で説明されているプロトコルを使って認証を試みたが、永続的なLDAP検索エラーなどの本来短期的と思われないエラーのために試行を完了できなかった。後の試行でも最終的な結果が生成されそうにない。

Note that an agent making use of the data provided by this header field SHOULD consider “fail” and “temperror” to be the synonymous in terms of message authentication, i.e., the client did not authenticate.


2.4.5.  Extension Result Codes

Additional result codes (extension results) might be defined in the future by later revisions or extensions to this specification. Extension results beginning with “x-” will never be defined as standard fields; such names are reserved for experimental use. Result codes not beginning with “x-” MUST be registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and published in an RFC. See Section 6 for further details.

2.4.5.  結果コードの拡張


Implementations reporting new result codes MUST use the “x-” prefix until such time as the new method is registered by IANA.


Extension results MUST only be used within ADMDs that have explicitly consented to use them.  These results and the parameters associated with them are not documented in RFCs.  Therefore, they are subject to change at any time and not suitable for production use.  Any MTA, MUA or downstream filter intended for production use SHOULD ignore or delete any Authentication-Results header field that includes an extension result.


2.5.  Authentication Methods

This section defines the supported authentication methods and discusses the proper means for applying experimental and other extension methods.

2.5.  認証方式



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