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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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B.2.  Nearly Trivial Case; Service Provided, But No Authentication Done

A message that was delivered by an MTA that conforms to this specification but provides no actual message authentication service:

        Authentication-Results: example.org; none
        Received: from mail-router.example.com
                      (mail-router.example.com [])
                  by server.example.org (8.11.6/8.11.6)
                      with ESMTP id g1G0r1kA003489;
                  Fri, Feb 15 2002 17:19:07 -0800
        From: sender@example.com
        Date: Fri, Feb 15 2002 16:54:30 -0800
        To: receiver@example.org
        Message-Id: <12345.abc@example.com>
        Subject: here's a sample

        Hello!  Goodbye!

B.2.  かなり一般的な例; サービスは提供されているが認証は行われなかった


        Authentication-Results: example.org; none
        Received: from mail-router.example.com
                      (mail-router.example.com [])
                  by server.example.org (8.11.6/8.11.6)
                      with ESMTP id g1G0r1kA003489;
                  Fri, Feb 15 2002 17:19:07 -0800
        From: sender@example.com
        Date: Fri, Feb 15 2002 16:54:30 -0800
        To: receiver@example.org
        Message-Id: <12345.abc@example.com>
        Subject: here's a sample
        Hello!  Goodbye!

Example 2: Header present but no authentication done

The “Authentication-Results” header field is present, showing that the delivering MTA conforms to this specification.  It used its DNS domain name as the authserv-id.  The presence of “none” (and the absence of any method and result tokens) indicates that no message authentication was done.




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