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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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Page 4

Although [SPF] defined a header field called Received-SPF and [DOMAINKEYS] defined one called DomainKey-Status for this purpose, those header fields are specific to the conveyance of their respective results only and thus are insufficient to satisfy the requirements enumerated below.

上記の目的のため、[SPF]はReceived-SPFと呼ばれるヘッダフィールドを、[DOMAINKEYS] はDomainKey-Statusと呼ばれるヘッダフィールドを定義しているが、これらのヘッダフィールドはそれぞれの結果の伝達専用であり、そのため以下に列挙する要求を満足させるには不十分である。

1.1.  Purpose

The header field defined in this memo is expected to serve several purposes:

1.1.  目的


1.  Convey the results of various message authentication checks being applied by upstream filters and Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs) to MUAs and downstream filters within the same “trust domain”, as such agents may wish to render those results to end users or use that data to apply more or less stringent content checks based on authentication results;

1. 上流フィルタやMTAによって追加される様々なメッセージ認証検査の結果を、同一の「信頼のドメイン(Trust Domain)」内でMUAや下流フィルタに伝達する。その理由は、これらのMUAや下流フィルタが、認証結果をエンドユーザに表示したり、そのデータを利用して認証結果に基づいて適用する内容検査の厳しさを変えたいと考える可能性があるためである。

2.  Provide a common location within a message for this data;

2. このデータ用としてメッセージ内に共通の場所を提供する。

3.  Create an extensible framework for reporting new authentication methods as they emerge.

3. 新しい認証方式が現れたときにそれらの方式を報告するための拡張可能なフレームワークを作る。

 In particular, the mere presence of this header field should not be construed as meaning that its data is valid, but rather that it is asserting validity based on one or more authentication schemes somewhere upstream.  For an MUA or downstream filter to treat the assertions as actually valid, there must be an assessment of the trust relationship between such agents and the validating MTA.


1.2.  Trust Boundary

This document makes several references to the “trust boundary” of an administrative management domain (ADMD).  Given the diversity among existing mail environments, a precise definition of this term isn’t possible.

1.2.  信頼の境界

本文書では、管理ドメイン(ADMD)の「信頼の境界(Trust Boundary)」に何度か言及している。既存のメール環境は多岐に及んでいるため、この用語の厳密な定義は不可能だ。

Simply put, a transfer from the creator of the header field to the consumer must occur within a context of trust that the creator’s information is correct.  How this trust is obtained is outside the scope of this document.  It is entirely a local matter.


Thus, this document defines a “trust boundary” as the delineation between “external” and “internal” entities; “external” here includes all hosts that do not deliberately provide some kind of messaging service for the receiving ADMD’s users, and “internal” includes those hosts that do.  By this definition, the hosts within a “trust boundary” may lie entirely within a receiving ADMD’s direct control, or they can include hosts managed by another ADMD (such as an ISP or commercial filtering service) but that also provide services for the former.



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