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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
  • サイト紹介

Page 21


for each name in (validated-sending-domain_names) {
  if name ends in <domain-spec>, return match.
  if name is <domain-spec>, return match.
}return no-match.


for each name in (validated-sending-domain_names) {
  if name ends in <domain-spec>, return match.
  if name is <domain-spec>, return match.
return no-match.
This mechanism matches if the <target-name> is either an ancestor of
a validated domain name or if the <target-name> and a validated
domain name are the same.  For example: "mail.example.com" is within
the domain "example.com", but "mail.bad-example.com" is not.

この機構は、<target-name> が有効なドメイン名の上位ドメインか、または <target-name> と有効なドメイン名が同一である場合に合致する。たとえば、“mail.example.com”は“example.com”ドメイン中にあるが、“mail.bad-example.com”は“example.com”ドメイン中にない。

Note: Use of this mechanism is discouraged because it is slow, it is
not as reliable as other mechanisms in cases of DNS errors, and it
places a large burden on the arpa name servers.  If used, proper PTR
records must be in place for the domain's hosts and the "ptr"
mechanism should be one of the last mechanisms checked.


5.6.  "ip4" and "ip6"
These mechanisms test whether <ip> is contained within a given IP

IP4              = "ip4"      ":" ip4-network   [ ip4-cidr-length ]
IP6              = "ip6"      ":" ip6-network   [ ip6-cidr-length ]

5.6. “ip4”および“ip6”

これらの機構は、所与のIPネットワーク内に <ip> が含まれるかをテストする。

IP4              = "ip4"      ":" ip4-network   [ ip4-cidr-length ]
IP6              = "ip6"      ":" ip6-network   [ ip6-cidr-length ]
ip4-cidr-length  = "/" 1*DIGIT
ip6-cidr-length  = "/" 1*DIGIT
dual-cidr-length = [ ip4-cidr-length ] [ "/" ip6-cidr-length ]

ip4-network      = qnum "." qnum "." qnum "." qnum
qnum             = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
                   / %x31-39 DIGIT       ; 10-99
                   / "1" 2DIGIT          ; 100-199
                   / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT   ; 200-249
                   / "25" %x30-35        ; 250-255
         ; as per conventional dotted quad notation.  e.g.,
ip6-network      = <as per [RFC 3513], section 2.2>
         ; e.g., 2001:DB8::CD30
ip4-cidr-length  = "/" 1*DIGIT
ip6-cidr-length  = "/" 1*DIGIT
dual-cidr-length = [ ip4-cidr-length ] [ "/" ip6-cidr-length ]
ip4-network      = qnum "." qnum "." qnum "." qnum
qnum             = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
 	                / %x31-39 DIGIT       ; 10-99
 	                / "1" 2DIGIT          ; 100-199
 	                / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT   ; 200-249
 	                / "25" %x30-35        ; 250-255
 	   ; 伝統的なドット区切り4分節表記 例
6-network        = <as per [RFC 3513], section 2.2>
 	   ; 例 2001:DB8::CD30
The <ip> is compared to the given network.  If CIDR-length high-order
bits match, the mechanism matches.

<ip> を所与のネットワークと比較し、CIDR長の高位ビットが合致するなら、機構が合致する。


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