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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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Page 25

7.  The Received-SPF Header Field
It is RECOMMENDED that SMTP receivers record the result of SPF
processing in the message header.  If an SMTP receiver chooses to do
so, it SHOULD use the "Received-SPF" header field defined here for
each identity that was checked.  This information is intended for the
recipient.  (Information intended for the sender is described in
Section 6.2, Explanation.)

7. Received-SPFヘッダフィールド


The Received-SPF header field is a trace field (see [RFC2822] Section
3.6.7) and SHOULD be prepended to the existing header, above the
Received: field that is generated by the SMTP receiver.  It MUST
appear above all other Received-SPF fields in the message.  The
header field has the following format:


header-field     = "Received-SPF:" [CFWS] result FWS [comment FWS]
                   [ key-value-list ] CRLF
result           = "Pass" / "Fail" / "SoftFail" / "Neutral" /
                   "None" / "TempError" / "PermError"
key-value-list   = key-value-pair *( ";" [CFWS] key-value-pair )
key-value-pair   = key [CFWS] "=" ( dot-atom / quoted-string )
key              = "client-ip" / "envelope-from" / "helo" /
                   "problem" / "receiver" / "identity" /
                    mechanism / "x-" name / name
identity         = "mailfrom"   ; for the "MAIL FROM" identity
                   / "helo"     ; for the "HELO" identity
                   / name       ; other identities
dot-atom         = <unquoted word as per [RFC2822]>
quoted-string    = <quoted string as per [RFC2822]>
comment          = <comment string as per [RFC2822]>
CFWS             = <comment or folding white space as per [RFC2822]>
FWS              = <folding white space as per [RFC2822]>
CRLF             = <standard end-of-line token as per [RFC2822]>
header-field     =  "Received-SPF:" [CFWS] result FWS [comment FWS]
                    [ key-value-list ] CRLF
result           =  "Pass" / "Fail" / "SoftFail" / "Neutral" /
                    "None" / "TempError" / "PermError"
key-value-list   =  key-value-pair *( ";" [CFWS] key-value-pair )
key-value-pair   =  key [CFWS] "=" ( dot-atom / quoted-string )
key              =  "client-ip" / "envelope-from" / "helo" /
                    "problem" / "receiver" / "identity" /
                     mechanism / "x-" name / name
identity         =  "mailfrom"   ; “MAIL FROM”アイデンティティ用
                    / "helo"     ; “HELO”アイデンティティ用
                    / name       ; その他のアイデンティティ
dot-atom         = <unquoted word as per [RFC2822]> ([RFC2822]仕様の非引用語)
quoted-string    = <quoted string as per [RFC2822]> ([RFC2822]仕様の引用文字列)
comment          = <comment string as per [RFC2822]> ([RFC2822]仕様のコメント文字列)
CFWS             = <comment or folding white space as per [RFC2822]> ([RFC2822]仕様のコメントまたは多重空白)
FWS              = <folding white space as per [RFC2822]> ([RFC2822]仕様の多重空白)
CRLF             = <standard end-of-line token as per [RFC2822]> ([RFC2822]仕様の標準文末トークン)
The header field SHOULD include a "(...)" style <comment> after the
result, conveying supporting information for the result, such as
<ip>, <sender>, and <domain>.



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