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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
  • サイト紹介

Page 38

10.5.  Untrusted Information Sources
SPF uses information supplied by third parties, such as the "HELO"
domain name, the "MAIL FROM" address, and SPF records.  This
information is then passed to the receiver in the Received-SPF: trace
fields and possibly returned to the client MTA in the form of an SMTP
rejection message.  This information must be checked for invalid
characters and excessively long lines.

10.5. 信頼できない情報源

SPFは、“HELO”ドメイン名や“MAIL FROM”アドレス、SPFレコードなどの、第三者によって提供された情報を使う。これらの情報は次に、Received-SPF:追跡フィールドで受信者に渡され、可能ならSMTP拒否メッセージの形でクライアントMTAに返される。これらの情報については、無効な文字や長すぎる行について検査しなければならない。

When the authorization check fails, an explanation string may be
included in the reject response.  Both the sender and the rejecting
receiver need to be aware that the explanation was determined by the
publisher of the SPF record checked and, in general, not the
receiver.  The explanation may contain malicious URLs, or it may be
offensive or misleading.


This is probably less of a concern than it may initially seem since
such messages are returned to the sender, and the explanation strings
come from the sender policy published by the domain in the identity
claimed by that very sender.  As long as the DSN is not redirected to
someone other than the actual sender, the only people who see
malicious explanation strings are people whose messages claim to be
from domains that publish such strings in their SPF records.  In
practice, DSNs can be misdirected, such as when an MTA accepts an
E-Mail and then later generates a DSN to a forged address, or when an
E-Mail forwarder does not direct the DSN back to the original sender.


10.6.  Privacy Exposure
Checking SPF records causes DNS queries to be sent to the domain
owner.  These DNS queries, especially if they are caused by the
"exists" mechanism, can contain information about who is sending
E-Mail and likely to which MTA the E-Mail is being sent.  This can
introduce some privacy concerns, which may be more or less of an
issue depending on local laws and the relationship between the domain
owner and the person sending the E-Mail.

10.6. プライバシーの露出


11.  Contributors and Acknowledgements
This document is largely based on the work of Meng Weng Wong and Mark
Lentczner.  Although, as this section acknowledges, many people have
contributed to this document, a very large portion of the writing and
editing are due to Meng and Mark.

11. 貢献してくれた人々とお礼の言葉

本文書はMen Weng WongとMark Lentcznerの作業に大きく基づいている。しかし、本章で感謝するように、本文書には多くの人が貢献しており、記述の大部分と編集がMengとMarkによるものだ。

This design owes a debt of parentage to [RMX] by Hadmut Danisch and
to [DMP] by Gordon Fecyk.  The idea of using a DNS record to check
the legitimacy of an E-Mail address traces its ancestry further back
through messages on the namedroppers mailing list by Paul Vixie
[Vixie] (based on suggestion by Jim Miller) and by David Green

本設計はHadmut Danischの[RMX]とGordon Fecykの[DMP]に由来する。電子メールアドレスの正当性の検査にDNSレコードを使うというアイデアは、Paul Vixie[Vixie](Jim Millerの提案に基づく)とDavid Green[Green]によるnamedroppersメーリングリスト上のメッセージに源を発している。


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