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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
  • サイト紹介

Page 7

The following diagram illustrates the flow of mail among these defined components:

                         +-----+   +-----+   +------------+
                         | MUA |-->| MSA |-->| Border MTA |
                         +-----+   +-----+   +------------+
                                              | Internet |
  +-----+   +-----+   +------------------+   +------------+
  | MUA |<--| MDA |<--| Intermediate MTA |<--| Border MTA |
  +-----+   +-----+   +------------------+   +------------+

以下の図は、上記で定義した構成要素間でのメールの流れを図示したものである(補足説明: MSA(Message Submission Agent)には認証機構やヘッダ修正機能があり、メールの不正利用を防ぐ役目をする)。

                          +-----+   +-----+   +---------+
                          | MUA |-->| MSA |-->| 境界MTA |
                          +-----+   +-----+   +---------+
                                           |  インターネット  |
    +-----+   +--------------+   +---------+   +---------+
     | MUA |<--| 配送MTA(MDA) |<--| 中間MTA  |<--| 境界MTA  |
    +-----+   +--------------+   +---------+   +---------+

Generally, it is assumed that the work of applying message authentication schemes takes place at a border MTA or a delivery MTA. This specification is written with that assumption in mind.  However, there are some sites at which the entire mail infrastructure consists of a single host.  In such cases, such terms as “border MTA” and “delivery MTA” may well apply to the same machine or even the very same agent.  It is also possible that some message authentication tests could take place on an intermediate MTA.  Although this document doesn’t specifically describe such cases, they are not meant to be excluded from this specification.


See [EMAIL-ARCH] for further discussion on general email system architecture, and Appendix C of this memo for discussion about the common aspects of email authentication in current environments.


1.6.  Trust Environment

This new header field permits one or more message validation mechanisms to communicate its output to one or more separate assessment mechanisms.  These mechanisms operate within a unified trust boundary that defines an Administrative Management Domain (ADMD).  An ADMD contains one or more entities that perform validation and generate the header field, and one or more that consume it for some type of assessment.  The field contains no integrity or validation mechanism of its own, so its presence must be trusted implicitly.  Hence, use of the header field depends upon ensuring that mail entering the ADMD has instances of the header field claiming to be valid within its boundaries removed, so that occurrences of such header fields can be used safely by consumers.

1.6.  信頼の環境



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