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Page 33

Appendix B.  Authentication-Results Examples

This section presents some examples of the use of this header field to indicate authentication results.

付録B.  Authentication-Resultsヘッダフィールドの例


B.1.  Trivial Case; Header Field Not Present

The trivial case:

        Received: from mail-router.example.com
                      (mail-router.example.com [])
                  by server.example.org (8.11.6/8.11.6)
                      with ESMTP id g1G0r1kA003489;
                  Fri, Feb 15 2002 17:19:07 -0800
        From: sender@example.com
        Date: Fri, Feb 15 2002 16:54:30 -0800
        To: receiver@example.org
        Message-Id: <12345.abc@example.com>
        Subject: here's a sample
        Hello!  Goodbye!

B.1.  一般的な場合; ヘッダフィールドが表示されない


        Received: from mail-router.example.com
                      (mail-router.example.com [])
                  by server.example.org (8.11.6/8.11.6)
                      with ESMTP id g1G0r1kA003489;
                  Fri, Feb 15 2002 17:19:07 -0800
        From: sender@example.com
        Date: Fri, Feb 15 2002 16:54:30 -0800
        To: receiver@example.org
        Message-Id: <12345.abc@example.com>
        Subject: here's a sample
        Hello!  Goodbye!

Example 1: Trivial case

The “Authentication-Results” header field is completely absent. The MUA may make no conclusion about the validity of the message. This could be the case because the message authentication services were not available at the time of delivery, or no service is provided, or the MTA is not in compliance with this specification.

例1: 一般的な場合



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