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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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Hence, MUAs and downstream filters must take some care with use of this header even after possibly malicious headers are scrubbed.


7.3.  Header Field Position

Despite the requirements of [MAIL], header fields can sometimes be reordered enroute by intermediate MTAs.  The goal of requiring header field addition only at the top of a message is an acknowledgement that some MTAs do reorder header fields, but most do not.  Thus, in the general case, there will be some indication of which MTAs (if any) handled the message after the addition of the header field defined here.

7.3.  ヘッダフィールドの位置


7.4.  Reverse IP Query Denial-of-Service Attacks

Section 5.5 of [SPF] describes a DNS-based denial-of-service attack for verifiers that attempt DNS-based identity verification of arriving client connections.  A verifier wishing to do this check and report this information SHOULD take care not to go to unbounded lengths to resolve “A” and “PTR” queries.  MUAs or other filters making use of an “iprev” result specified by this memo SHOULD be aware of the algorithm used by the verifier reporting the result and thus be aware of its limitations.

7.4.  逆引きIP問い合わせサービス拒否攻撃


7.5.  Mitigation of Backscatter

Failing to follow the instructions of Section 4.2 can result in a denial-of-service attack caused by the generation of [DSN] messages (or equivalent) to addresses that did not send the messages being rejected.

7.5.  後方散乱メールの軽減


7.6.  Internal MTA Lists

Section 5 describes a procedure for scrubbing headers that may contain forged authentication results about a message.  A compliant installation will have to include, at each MTA, a list of other MTAs known to be compliant and trustworthy.  Failing to keep this list current as internal infrastructure changes may expose an ADMD to attack.

7.6.  内部MTAリスト


7.7.  Attacks against Authentication Methods

If an attack becomes known against an authentication method, clearly then the agent verifying that method can be fooled into thinking an inauthentic message is authentic, and thus the value of this header field can be misleading.  It follows that any attack against the authentication methods supported by this document (and later amendments to it) is also a security consideration here.

7.7.  認証方式に対する攻撃



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