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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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Page 10

pvalue = [CFWS] ( value / [ [ local-part ] “@” ] domain-name )
       ; the value extracted from the message property defined
       ; by the “ptype.property” construction; if the value
       ; identifies something intended to be an e-mail identity,
       ; then it MUST use the right hand portion of this ABNF
       ; definition

pvalue = [CFWS] ( value / [ [ local-part ] “@” ] domain-name )
       ; “ptype.property”構造で定義されるメッセージプロパティから抽出される値;
       ; この値が電子メールのアイデンティティとなるべきものを示す場合は、
       ; このABNF定義の右側の部分を使わなければならない(MUST)

The “local-part” is as defined in Section 3.4.1, and “dot-atom” is defined in Section 3.2.3, of [MAIL].


The “value” is as defined in Section 5.1 of [MIME].


The “domain-name” is as defined in Section 3.5 of [DKIM].


The “dot-atom” used in a “result” above is further constrained by the necessity of being enumerated in Section 2.4 or an amendment to it.


See Section 2.3 for a description of the “authserv-id” element.


The list of commands eligible for use with the “smtp” ptype can be found in [SMTP] and subsequent amendments.

ptype “smtp”で使われる人間に可読のコマンドの一覧は、[SMTP]および以降の修正版に記載されている。

“CFWS” is as defined in Section 3.2.2 of [MAIL].


The “propspec” may be omitted if, for example, the method was unable to extract any properties to do its evaluation yet has a result to report.


The “ptype” and “property” values used by each authentication method should be defined in the specification for that method (or its amendments).


The “ptype” and “property” are case-insensitive.


A “ptype” value of “policy” indicates a policy decision about the message not specific to a property of the message that could be extracted.  For example, if a method would normally report a “ptype.property” of “header.From” and no From: header field was present, the method can use “policy” to indicate that no conclusion about the authenticity of the message could be reached.


2.3.  Authentication Identifier Field

Every Authentication-Results header field has an authentication identifier field (“authserv-id” above).  This is similar in syntax to a fully-qualified domain name.

2.3.  認証識別子フィールド



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