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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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Page 8

Corrected Text:

i=  The Agent or User Identifier (AUID) on behalf of which the SDID is taking responsibility (dkim-quoted-printable; OPTIONAL, default is an empty Local-part followed by an “@” followed by the domain from the “d=” tag).

The syntax is a standard email address where the Local-part MAY be omitted.  The domain part of the address MUST be the same as, or a subdomain of the value of, the “d=” tag.


i=  SDIDが責任を代行するエージェントもしくはユーザ識別子(AUID)(dkim-quoted-printable文字列; オプション、特に指定しない場合はlocal-partは空で@の後に”d=”タグで指定したドメイン)。


Internationalized domain names MUST be converted using the steps listed in Section 4 of [RFC3490] using the “ToASCII” function.


sig-i-tag =  %x69 [FWS] "=" [FWS]
             [ Local-part ] "@" domain-name



sig-i-tag =  %x69 [FWS] "=" [FWS]
             [ Local-part ] "@" domain-name

The AUID is specified as having the same syntax as an email address, but is not required to have the same semantics. Notably, the domain name is not required to be registered in the DNS — so it might not resolve in a query — and the Local- part MAY be drawn from a namespace that does not contain the user’s mailbox.  The details of the structure and semantics for the namespace are determined by the Signer.  Any knowledge or use of those details by verifiers or assessors is outside the scope of the DKIM Signing specification.  The Signer MAY choose to use the same namespace for its AUIDs as its users’ email addresses or MAY choose other means of representing its users. However, the signer SHOULD use the same AUID for each message intended to be evaluated as being within the same sphere of responsibility, if it wishes to offer receivers the option of using the AUID as a stable identifier that is finer grained than the SDID.


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