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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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Page 9

adsp-dkim-tag = %x64.6b.69.6d *WSP "=" *WSP
                ("unknown" / "all" / "discardable" /
x-adsp-dkim-tag = hyphenated-word   ; for future extension
; hyphenated-word is defined in RFC 4871
adsp-dkim-tag = %x64.6b.69.6d *WSP "=" *WSP
                ("unknown" / "all" / "discardable" /
x-adsp-dkim-tag = hyphenated-word(ハイフンを使った単語) ; 将来の拡張用
; ハイフンを使った単語についてはRFC4871で定義されている

4.3.  ADSP Lookup Procedure

Hosts doing an ADSP lookup MUST produce a result that is semantically equivalent to applying the following steps in the order listed below. In practice, these steps can be performed in parallel in order to improve performance.  However, implementations SHOULD avoid doing unnecessary DNS lookups.

4.3.  ADSP検索の流れ


For the purposes of this section, a “valid ADSP record” is one that is both syntactically and semantically correct; in particular, it matches the ABNF for a “tag-list” and starts with a valid “dkim” tag.


Check Domain Scope:

An ADSP checker implementation MUST determine whether a given Author Domain is within the scope for ADSP.  Given the background in Section 3.1, the checker MUST decide which degree of approximation is acceptable.  The checker MUST return an appropriate error result for Author Domains that are outside the scope of ADSP.



The host MUST perform a DNS query for a record corresponding to the Author Domain (with no prefix).  The type of the query can be of any type, since this step is only to determine if the domain itself exists in DNS.  This query MAY be done in parallel with the query to fetch the named ADSP Record.  If the result of this query is that the Author Domain does not exist in the DNS (often called an NXDOMAIN error, rcode=3 in [RFC1035]), the algorithm MUST terminate with an error indicating that the domain is out of scope.  Note that a result with rcode=0 but no records (often called NODATA) is not the same as NXDOMAIN.

ホストは著者ドメインに(プレフィックスなしで)合致するレコードに対するDNS問い合わせを行わなければならない(MUST)。この段階は単にそのドメイン自体がDNSに存在するかを決めるためだけのものなので、問い合わせの種類はどのタイプでもよい。この問い合わせはその名前のADSPレコードを取得する問い合わせと同時に実行してもよい(MAY)。この問い合わせの結果が、その著者ドメインはDNSに存在しないというもの(NXDOMAINエラーと呼ばれることが多く、[RFC1035]の rcode=3)の場合、アルゴリズムはそのドメインが範囲外であることを示すエラーで終了しなければならない(MUST)。rcode=0 という結果だがレコードが存在しない場合(NODATAと呼ばれることが多い)はNXDOMAINと同じではない。

NON-NORMATIVE DISCUSSION: Any resource record type could be used for this query since the existence of a resource record of any type will prevent an NXDOMAIN error.  MX is a reasonable choice for this purpose because this record type is thought to be the most common for domains used in email, and will therefore produce a result that can be more readily cached than a negative result.

規範外の議論: 何らかのタイプのリソースレコードが存在すればNXDOMAINエラーにはならないため、この問い合わせにはいかなるリソースレコードタイプを使ってもよい。MXレコードタイプは電子メールで使われるドメインとして最も一般的と考えられ、それゆえ否定的な結果よりもキャッシュされやすい結果を生成することになるため、この目的のためにはMXが妥当な選択肢である。

If the domain does exist, the checker MAY make more extensive checks to verify the existence of the domain, such as the ones described in Section 5 of [RFC5321]. If those checks indicate that the Author Domain does not exist for mail, e.g., the domain has no MX, A, or AAAA record, the checker SHOULD terminate with an error indicating that the domain is out of scope.


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