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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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o  A “Local-part” is the part of an address preceding the @character, as defined in [RFC5322] and used in [RFC4871].

・ [RFC5322]で定義され[RFC4871]で使われているように、「ローカルパート」はアドレス中で@文字の前に置かれる部分を指す。

2.2.  Valid Signature

A “Valid Signature” is any signature on a message that correctly verifies using the procedure described in Section 6.1 of [RFC4871].

2.2.  有効な署名


2.3.  Author Address

An “Author Address” is an email address in the From: header field of a message [RFC5322].  If the From: header field contains multiple addresses, the message has multiple Author Addresses.

2.3.  著者アドレス


2.4.  Author Domain

An “Author Domain” is everything to the right of the “@” in an Author Address (excluding the “@” itself).

2.4.  著者ドメイン


2.5.  Alleged Author

An “Alleged Author” is an Author Address of a message; it is “alleged” because it has not yet been checked.

2.5.  真偽が不確定の著者


2.6.  Author Domain Signing Practices

“Author Domain Signing Practices” (or just “practices”) consist of a machine-readable record published by the domain of an Alleged Author that includes statements about the domain’s practices with respect to mail it sends with its domain in the From: line.

2.6.  ADSP(メールの著者のドメイン署名方針)


2.7.  Author Domain Signature

An “Author Domain Signature” is a Valid Signature in which the domain name of the DKIM signing entity, i.e., the d= tag in the DKIM-Signature header field, is the same as the domain name in the Author Address.  Following [RFC5321], domain name comparisons are case insensitive.

2.7.  ADS(著者ドメイン署名)

「ADS(著者ドメイン署名)」はDKIM署名エンティティ(DKIM-Signatureヘッダフィールド中の d=tag など)のドメイン名が著者アドレス中のドメイン名と同じである有効な署名を指す。[RFC5321]に基づき、ドメイン名の比較は大文字小文字を区別せずに行われる。

For example, if the From: line address is bob@domain.example, and the message has a Valid Signature with the DKIM-Signature header field containing “d=domain.example”, then the message has an Author Domain Signature.

たとえばFrom:行アドレスが bob@domain.example で、メッセージに”d=domain.example”を含むDKIM-Signatureヘッダフィールドのある有効な署名が含まれている場合、そのメッセージはADSを有していることになる。

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