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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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Page 32

9.2.  Mailing Lists
Mailing lists must be aware of how they re-inject mail that is sent
to the list.  Mailing lists MUST comply with the requirements in
[RFC2821], Section 3.10, and [RFC1123], Section 5.3.6, that say that
the reverse-path MUST be changed to be the mailbox of a person or
other entity who administers the list.  Whereas the reasons for
changing the reverse-path are many and long-standing, SPF adds
enforcement to this requirement.

9.2. メーリングリスト


In practice, almost all mailing list software in use already complies
with this requirement.  Mailing lists that do not comply may or may
not encounter problems depending on how access to the list is
restricted.  Such lists that are entirely internal to a domain (only
people in the domain can send to or receive from the list) are not


9.3.  Forwarding Services and Aliases
Forwarding services take mail that is received at a mailbox and
direct it to some external mailbox.  At the time of this writing, the
near-universal practice of such services is to use the original "MAIL
FROM" of a message when re-injecting it for delivery to the external
mailbox.  [RFC1123] and [RFC2821] describe this action as an "alias"
rather than a "mail list".  This means that the external mailbox's
MTA sees all such mail in a connection from a host of the forwarding
service, and so the "MAIL FROM" identity will not, in general, pass

9.3. 転送サービスとエイリアス

転送サービスは、メールボックスに受信したメールを何らかの外部メールボックスに向けて送る。本文書執筆時点では、このようなサービスはほぼ世界中で、外部メールボックスに向けての再送出時にメッセージの元の“MAIL FROM”を使う方法をとっている。[RFC1123]と[RFC2821]では、この動作を「メーリングリスト」ではなく「エイリアス」と呼んでいる。これはすなわち、外部メールボックスのMTAが転送サービスホストからの接続で出会うのはすべてそのようなメールである、ということであり、それゆえ一般に“MAIL FROM”アイデンティティは認証を通らない。

There are three places that techniques can be used to ameliorate this


1. The beginning, when E-Mail is first sent.
    1. "Neutral" results could be given for IP addresses that may be
       forwarders, instead of "Fail" results.  For example:

            "v=spf1 mx -exists:%{ir}.sbl.spamhaus.example.org? all"

1. 最初、電子メールが初めて送られるとき。

  1. 転送プログラムかもしれないIPアドレスに対して、“Fail”という結果ではなく、“Neutral”という結果を与えることができるだろう:
"v=spf1 mx -exists:%{ir}.sbl.spamhaus.example.org ?all"
       This would cause a lookup on an anti-spam DNS blacklist
       (DNSBL) and cause a result of "Fail" only for E-Mail coming
       from listed sources.  All other E-Mail, including E-Mail sent
       through forwarders, would receive a "Neutral" result.  By
       checking the DNSBL after the known good sources, problems with
       incorrect listing on the DNSBL are greatly reduced.



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