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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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Page 30

Note: Care must be taken so that macro expansion for legitimate
E-Mail does not exceed the 63-character limit on DNS labels.  The
localpart of E-Mail addresses, in particular, can have more than 63
characters between dots.


Note: Domains should avoid using the "s", "l", "o", or "h" macros in
conjunction with any mechanism directive.  Although these macros are
powerful and allow per-user records to be published, they severely
limit the ability of implementations to cache results of check_host()
and they reduce the effectiveness of DNS caches.

ドメインは、マクロ“s”、“l”、“o”、“h”を機構指示子と一緒に使うことを避けるべきである。これらのマクロは強力でユーザ毎のレコードの公開を可能にするが、実装が check_host() の結果をキャッシュする性能を大きく制限して、DNSキャッシュの効率を下げる。

Implementations should be aware that if no directive processed during
the evaluation of check_host() contains an "s", "l", "o", or "h"
macro, then the results of the evaluation can be cached on the basis
of <domain> and <ip> alone for as long as the shortest Time To Live
(TTL) of all the DNS records involved.

実装においては、check_host() の評価中に処理される指示子がマクロ“s”、“l”、“o”、“h”を含んでいないなら、含まれるすべてのDNSレコードの最短TTL(Time To Live)の間、評価の結果を <domain> と <ip> だけに基づいてキャッシュできる。

8.2.  Expansion Examples
   The <sender> is strong-bad@email.example.com.
   The IPv4 SMTP client IP is
   The IPv6 SMTP client IP is 2001:DB8::CB01.
   The PTR domain name of the client IP is mx.example.org.

8.2. 展開の例

<sender> はstrong-bad@email.example.comとする。

macro                       expansion
-------  ----------------------------
%{s}     strong-bad@email.example.com
%{o}                email.example.com
%{d}                email.example.com
%{d4}               email.example.com
%{d3}               email.example.com
%{d2}                     example.com
%{d1}                             com
%{dr}               com.example.email
%{d2r}                  example.email
%{l}                       strong-bad
%{l-}                      strong.bad
%{lr}                      strong-bad
%{lr-}                     bad.strong
%{l1r-}                        strong
マクロ                           展開
-------  ----------------------------
%{s}     strong-bad@email.example.com
%{o}                email.example.com
%{d}                email.example.com
%{d4}               email.example.com
%{d3}               email.example.com
%{d2}                     example.com
%{d1}                             com
%{dr}               com.example.email
%{d2r}                  example.email
%{l}                       strong-bad
%{l-}                      strong.bad
%{lr}                      strong-bad
%{lr-}                     bad.strong
%{l1r-}                        strong


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