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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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Page 26

The following key-value pairs are designed for later machine parsing.
SPF clients SHOULD give enough information so that the SPF results
can be verified.  That is, at least "client-ip", "helo", and, if the
"MAIL FROM" identity was checked, "envelope-from".

以下のキーと値のセットは、後の機械による分析用に設計されている。SPFクライアントは、SPFの結果を検証するのに十分な情報を与えるべきである(SHOULD)。すなわち、少なくとも“client-ip”と“helo”、および“MAIL FROM”アイデンティティを検査した場合は“envelope-from”を含むこと。

client-ip      the IP address of the SMTP client

envelope-from  the envelope sender mailbox

helo           the host name given in the HELO or EHLO command

mechanism      the mechanism that matched (if no mechanisms matched,
               substitute the word "default")

problem        if an error was returned, details about the error

receiver       the host name of the SPF client

identity       the identity that was checked; see the <identity> ABNF

client-ip      SMTPクライアントのIPアドレス

envelope-from  エンベロープの送信者メールボックス

helo         HELOコマンドまたはEHLOコマンドで与えられたホスト名

mechanism    合致した機構

problem      エラーが返された場合は、そのエラーについての詳細

receiver      SPFクライアントのホスト名

identity       検査されたアイデンティティ。<identity> のABNF規則を参照のこと

Other keys may be defined by SPF clients.  Until a new key name
becomes widely accepted, new key names should start with "x-".


SPF clients MUST make sure that the Received-SPF header field does
not contain invalid characters, is not excessively long, and does not
contain malicious data that has been provided by the sender.


Examples of various header styles that could be generated are the

Received-SPF: Pass (mybox.example.org: domain of
 myname@example.com designates as permitted sender)
    receiver=mybox.example.org; client-ip=;
    envelope-from=<myname@example.com>; helo=foo.example.com;

Received-SPF: Fail (mybox.example.org: domain of
                  myname@example.com does not designate
         as permitted sender)
                  identity=mailfrom; client-ip=;


Received-SPF: Pass (mybox.example.org: domain of
 myname@example.com designates as permitted sender)
    receiver=mybox.example.org; client-ip=;
    envelope-from=<myname@example.com>; helo=foo.example.com;
Received-SPF: Fail (mybox.example.org: domain of
                   myname@example.com does not designate
          as permitted sender)
                   identity=mailfrom; client-ip=;


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