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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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Performing the authorization after the SMTP transaction has finished
may cause problems, such as the following: (1) It may be difficult to
accurately extract the required information from potentially
deceptive headers; (2) legitimate E-Mail may fail because the
sender's policy may have since changed.


  1. 不正なヘッダである場合、必要な情報を正しく抽出することが難しいかもしれない。
  2. 送信者のポリシがその後変更されたため、


Generating non-delivery notifications to forged identities that have
failed the authorization check is generally abusive and against the
explicit wishes of the identity owner.


2.5.1.  None
A result of "None" means that no records were published by the domain
or that no checkable sender domain could be determined from the given
identity.  The checking software cannot ascertain whether or not the
client host is authorized.

2.5.1. None


2.5.2.  Neutral
The domain owner has explicitly stated that he cannot or does not
want to assert whether or not the IP address is authorized.  A
"Neutral" result MUST be treated exactly like the "None" result; the
distinction exists only for informational purposes.  Treating
"Neutral" more harshly than "None" would discourage domain owners
from testing the use of SPF records (see Section 9.1).

2.5.2. Neutral


2.5.3.  Pass
A "Pass" result means that the client is authorized to inject mail
with the given identity.  The domain can now, in the sense of
reputation, be considered responsible for sending the message.
Further policy checks can now proceed with confidence in the
legitimate use of the identity.

2.5.3. Pass


2.5.4.  Fail
A "Fail" result is an explicit statement that the client is not
authorized to use the domain in the given identity.  The checking
software can choose to mark the mail based on this or to reject the
mail outright.

2.5.4. Fail


If the checking software chooses to reject the mail during the SMTP
transaction, then it SHOULD use an SMTP reply code of 550 (see
[RFC2821]) and, if supported, the 5.7.1 Delivery Status Notification
(DSN) code (see [RFC3464]), in addition to an appropriate reply text.
The check_host() function may return either a default explanation
string or one from the domain that published the SPF records (see
Section 6.2).  If the information does not originate with the
checking software, it should be made clear that the text is provided
by the sender's domain.  For example:

    550-5.7.1 SPF MAIL FROM check failed:
    550-5.7.1 The domain example.com explains:
    550 5.7.1 Please see http://www.example.com/mailpolicy.html

検査を行うソフトウェアがSMTPトランザクション中にメールを拒否することを選ぶ場合は、SMTP応答コード550([RFC2821]を参照)と、サポートしていれば5.7.1 DSN(配送状態通知)コード([RFC3464]を参照)に加え、適切な応答文を使うべきである(SHOULD)。check_host() 関数は、デフォルトの説明文か、SPFレコードを公開しているドメインからの説明文を返すかもしれない(6.2を参照)。検査ソフトウェアからの情報でない場合は、その文章が送信者のドメインから提供されたものであることを明らかにすべきである。以下に例を示す。

550-5.7.1 SPF MAIL FROM check failed:(SPF MAIL FROM検査に失敗)
550-5.7.1 The domain example.com explains: (example.comによれば)
550 5.7.1 Please see http://www.example.com/mailpolicy.html (http://www.example.com/mailpolicy.htmlを参照のこと)


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