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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
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DMARC and the draft version of this document submitted to the
Independent Submission Editor were the result of lengthy efforts by
an informal industry consortium: DMARC.org (see <http://dmarc.org>).
Participating companies included Agari, American Greetings, AOL, Bank
of America, Cloudmark, Comcast, Facebook, Fidelity Investments,
Google, JPMorgan Chase & Company, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Netease,
PayPal, ReturnPath, The Trusted Domain Project, and Yahoo!. Although
the contributors and supporters are too numerous to mention, notable
individual contributions were made by J. Trent Adams, Michael Adkins,
Monica Chew, Dave Crocker, Tim Draegen, Steve Jones, Franck Martin,
Brett McDowell, and Paul Midgen. The contributors would also like to
recognize the invaluable input and guidance that was provided early
on by J.D. Falk.


DMARC.org (<http://dmarc.org>を参照)による長年にわたる取り組みの結果である。
参加企業には、Agari、American Greetings、AOL、Bank of America、Cloudmark、
Comcast、Facebook、Fidelity Investments、Google、JPMorgan Chase & Company、
LinkedIn、Microsoft、Netease、PayPal、ReturnPath、The Trusted Domain Project
できないが、顕著に貢献していただいた方々は、J. Trent Adams、Michael Adkins、
Monica Chew、Dave Crocker、Tim Draegen、Steve Jones、Franck Martinおよび
Brett McDowell、Paul Midgenである。貢献者一同、大変貴重な情報と助言を早い段階から
頂いたJ.D. Falk氏にお礼を申し上げたい。

Additional contributions within the IETF context were made by Kurt
Anderson, Michael Jack Assels, Les Barstow, Anne Bennett, Jim Fenton,
J. Gomez, Mike Jones, Scott Kitterman, Eliot Lear, John Levine,
S. Moonesamy, Rolf Sonneveld, Henry Timmes, and Stephen J. Turnbull.

また、IETFの中で貢献していただいた方々は、Kurt Anderson、Michael Jack Assels、
Les Barstow、Anne Bennett、Jim Fenton、J.Gomez、Mike Jones、Scott Kitterman、
Eliot Lear、John Levine、S. Moonesamy、Rolf Sonneveld、Henry Timmesおよび
Stephen J. Turnbullである。

Author’s Address

Murray S. Kucherawy (editor)
EMail: superuser@gmail.com

Elizabeth Zwicky (editor)
EMail: zwicky@yahoo-inc.com


Murray S. Kucherawy (editor)
EMail: superuser@gmail.com

Elizabeth Zwicky (editor)
EMail: zwicky@yahoo-inc.com

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