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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
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A.2. Method Exclusion

It was suggested that DMARC include a mechanism by which a Domain
Owner could tell Message Receivers not to attempt validation by one
of the supported methods (e.g., “check DKIM, but not SPF”).

A.2 認証方法の除外


Specifically, consider a Domain Owner that has deployed one of the
technologies, and that technology fails for some messages, but such
failures don’t cause enforcement action. Deploying DMARC would cause
enforcement action for policies other than “none”, which would appear
to exclude participation by that Domain Owner.


The DMARC development team evaluated the idea of policy exception
mechanisms on several occasions and invariably concluded that there
was not a strong enough use case to include them. The specific
target audience for DMARC does not appear to have concerns about the
failure modes of one or the other being a barrier to DMARC’s


In the scenario described above, the Domain Owner has a few options:

1. Tighten up its infrastructure to minimize the failure modes of
the single deployed technology.

2. Deploy the other supported authentication mechanism, to offset
the failure modes of the first.

3. Deploy DMARC in a reporting-only mode.


1. インフラを強化して、採用した単一の技術の失敗モードを最小限に抑える。

2. サポートするもう一方の認証メカニズムを展開して、一方の失敗モードを補完する。

3. 報告のみのモードでDMARCを展開する。

A.3. Sender Header Field

It has been suggested in several message authentication efforts that
the Sender header field be checked for an identifier of interest, as
the standards indicate this as the proper way to indicate a
re-mailing of content such as through a mailing list. Most recently,
it was a protocol-level option for DomainKeys, but on evolution to
DKIM, this property was removed.

A.3. Senderヘッダフィールド


The DMARC development team considered this and decided not to include
support for doing so, for the following reasons:

1. The main user protection approach is to be concerned with what
the user sees when a message is rendered. There is no consistent
behavior among MUAs regarding what to do with the content of the
Sender field, if present. Accordingly, supporting checking of
the Sender identifier would mean applying policy to an identifier


1. ユーザーを保護する主な手法は、メッセージを受信した際にユーザーが目にするものに注意を払うことである。Senderフィールドが存在している場合、その内容で何をすべきかに関して、MUAは一貫した動作をしない。したがって、Sender識別子の判定をサポートすることは、

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