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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
  • サイト紹介


Similarly, the text portion of the SMTP reply may be important to
consider. For example, when rejecting a message, revealing the
reason for the rejection might give an attacker enough information to
bypass those efforts on a later attempt, though it might also assist
a legitimate client to determine the source of some local issue that
caused the rejection.


In the latter case, when doing an SMTP rejection, providing a clear
hint can be useful in resolving issues. A receiver might indicate in
plain text the reason for the rejection by using the word “DMARC”
somewhere in the reply text. Many systems are able to scan the SMTP
reply text to determine the nature of the rejection. Thus, providing
a machine-detectable reason for rejection allows the problems causing
rejections to be properly addressed by automated systems. For


       550 5.7.1 Email rejected per DMARC policy for example.com

If a Mail Receiver elects to defer delivery due to inability to
retrieve or apply DMARC policy, this is best done with a 4xy SMTP
reply code.

       550 5.7.1 Email rejected per DMARC policy for example.com

メール受信者が、DMARCポリシーの読み出しや適用ができないことを理由に配信遅延を選択する場合、4xy SMTP応答コードを用いるのが最善である。

10.4. Identifier Alignment Considerations

The DMARC mechanism allows both DKIM and SPF-authenticated
identifiers to authenticate email on behalf of a Domain Owner and,
possibly, on behalf of different subdomains. If malicious or unaware
users can gain control of the SPF record or DKIM selector records for
a subdomain, the subdomain can be used to generate DMARC-passing
email on behalf of the Organizational Domain.

10.4. 識別子アライメントに対する検討事項


For example, an attacker who controls the SPF record for
“evil.example.com” can send mail with an RFC5322.From field
containing “foo@example.com” that can pass both authentication and
the DMARC check against “example.com”.


The Organizational Domain administrator should be careful not to
delegate control of subdomains if this is an issue, and to consider
using the “strict” Identifier Alignment option if appropriate.


10.5. Interoperability Issues

DMARC limits which end-to-end scenarios can achieve a “pass” result.

Because DMARC relies on [SPF] and/or [DKIM] to achieve a “pass”,
their limitations also apply.

10.5. 相互運用性の問題



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