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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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     dmarc-ainterval = "ri" *WSP "=" *WSP 1*DIGIT

     dmarc-fo        = "fo" *WSP "=" *WSP
                       ( "0" / "1" / "d" / "s" )
                       *(*WSP ":" *WSP ( "0" / "1" / "d" / "s" ))

     dmarc-rfmt      = "rf"  *WSP "=" *WSP Keyword *(*WSP ":" Keyword)

                       ; registered reporting formats only

     dmarc-percent   = "pct" *WSP "=" *WSP

   "Keyword" is imported from Section 4.1.2 of [SMTP].
     dmarc-ainterval = "ri" *WSP "=" *WSP 1*DIGIT

     dmarc-fo        = "fo" *WSP "=" *WSP
                       ( "0" / "1" / "d" / "s" )
                       *(*WSP ":" *WSP ( "0" / "1" / "d" / "s" ))

     dmarc-rfmt      = "rf"  *WSP "=" *WSP Keyword *(*WSP ":" Keyword)


     dmarc-percent   = "pct" *WSP "=" *WSP


A size limitation in a dmarc-uri, if provided, is interpreted as a
count of units followed by an OPTIONAL unit size (“k” for kilobytes,
“m” for megabytes, “g” for gigabytes, “t” for terabytes). Without a
unit, the number is presumed to be a basic byte count. Note that the
units are considered to be powers of two; a kilobyte is 2^10, a
megabyte is 2^20, etc.


6.5. Domain Owner Actions

To implement the DMARC mechanism, the only action required of a
Domain Owner is the creation of the DMARC policy record in the DNS.
However, in order to make meaningful use of DMARC, a Domain Owner
must at minimum either establish an address to receive reports, or
deploy authentication technologies and ensure Identifier Alignment.
Most Domain Owners will want to do both.

6.5. ドメイン所有者側の実装


DMARC reports will be of significant size, and the addresses that
receive them are publicly visible, so we encourage Domain Owners to
set up dedicated email addresses to receive and process reports, and
to deploy abuse countermeasures on those email addresses as

Authentication technologies are discussed in [DKIM] (see also


認証技術に関しては、 [DKIM] ([DKIM-OVERVIEW]および[DKIM-DEPLOYMENT]も参照) と[SPF]に記載されている。

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