* Implement security policies and guard against unauthorized mail relaying or injection of unsolicited bulk mail
- セキュリティポリシを実装し、権限のないメール中継や迷惑メールの注入を防ぐ
* Implement authenticated submission, including off-site submission by authorized users such as travelers
- 旅行中の権限を持ったユーザなどによるサイト外からの投函を含む、認証済み投函を実装する
* Separate the relevant software code differences, thereby making each code base more straightforward and allowing for different programs for relay and submission
- 関連ソフトウェアコードの違いを分離し、それによって中継と投函のそれぞれに、もっと単純な別々のプログラムを用意する
* Detect configuration problems with a site's mail clients
- サイトのメールクライアントの設定に関する問題を検出する
* Provide a basis for adding enhanced submission services in the future
- 将来的に拡張投函サービス追加の基盤を提供する
This memo describes a low-cost, deterministic means for messages to be identified as submissions, and specifies what actions are to be taken by a submission server.本文書は、メッセージが投函として識別できる、低コストで決定的な手法について記述し、投函サーバのとるべき動作を定義する。
2. Document Information
2.1. Definitions of Terms Used in This Memo
Many of the concepts and terms used in this document are defined in [SMTP-MTA]; familiarity with those documents is assumed here.
2. 文書情報
2.1. 本文書で使われる用語の定義
Fully-QualifiedContaining or consisting of a domain that can be globally resolved using the Domain Name Service; that is, not a local alias or partial specification.完全修飾(Fully-Qualified)
Message Submission Agent (MSA)A process that conforms to this specification. An MSA acts as a submission server to accept messages from MUAs, and either delivers them or acts as an SMTP client to relay them to an MTA.メッセージ投函エージェント(Message Submission Agent:MSA)
Message Transfer Agent (MTA)A process that conforms to [SMTP-MTA]. An MTA acts as an SMTP server to accept messages from an MSA or another MTA, and either delivers them or acts as an SMTP client to relay them to another MTA.メッセージ転送エージェント(Message Transfer Agent:MTA)
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