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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
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  • メール管理者の皆様へ
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3.  The SUBMITTER Keyword of the EHLO Command
An SMTP server includes the SUBMITTER keyword in its EHLO response to
tell the SMTP client that the SUBMITTER service extension is
The SUBMITTER keyword has no parameters.

3. EHLOコマンドのSUBMITTERキーワード



4.  The SUBMITTER Parameter of the MAIL Command
The syntax of the SUBMITTER parameter is
    "SUBMITTER=" Mailbox
where Mailbox is the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [ABNF]
production defined in Section 4.1.2 of [SMTP].  Characters such as
SP, "+", and "=" that may occur in Mailbox but are not permitted in
ESMTP parameter values MUST be encoded as "xtext" as described in
Section 4 of [DSN].

4. MAILコマンドのSUBMITTERパラメータ


“SUBMITTER=” Mailbox

であり、ここでMailboxは4.1.2[SMTP]で定義されているABNF(Augmented Backus-Naur Form:拡張バッカス・ナウア記法)[ABNF]で表示される。空白、“+”、“=”などのMailboxに登場する可能性があるがESMTPパラメータ値では許容されない文字は、[DSN]の4章で記述されているように“xtext”で符号化しなければならない(MUST)。

4.1.  Setting the SUBMITTER Parameter Value
The purpose of the SUBMITTER parameter is to allow the SMTP client to
indicate to the server the purported responsible address of the
message directly in the RFC 2821 protocol.

4.1. SUBMITTERパラメータ値の設定


Therefore, SMTP clients that support the Responsible Submitter
extension MUST include the SUBMITTER parameter on all messages.  This
includes messages containing a null reverse-path in the MAIL command.


SMTP clients MUST set the SUBMITTER parameter value to the purported
responsible address of the message as defined in [PRA].  This also
applies to messages containing a null reverse-path.


In some circumstances, described in Section 7 of [SENDER-ID], SMTP
clients may need to add RFC 2822 headers to the message in order to
ensure that the correct SUBMITTER parameter value can be set.


4.2.  Processing the SUBMITTER Parameter
Receivers of e-mail messages sent with the SUBMITTER parameter SHOULD
select the domain part of the SUBMITTER address value as the
purported responsible domain of the message, and SHOULD perform such
tests, including those defined in [SENDER-ID], as are deemed
necessary to determine whether the connecting SMTP client is
authorized to transmit e-mail messages on behalf of that domain.

4.2. SUBMITTERパラメータの処理


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