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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
  • サイト紹介


o deliberate construction of reports containing false claims for the
Submitter or Reported-Domain fields, including the possibility of
false data from compromised but known Mail Receivers.

o SubmitterフィールドまたはReported-Domainフィールドを偽称するレポートを故意に構成。感染した既知のメール受信者からの虚偽のデータである可能性を含む。

12.3. DNS Security

The DMARC mechanism and its underlying technologies (SPF, DKIM)
depend on the security of the DNS. To reduce the risk of subversion
of the DMARC mechanism due to DNS-based exploits, serious
consideration should be given to the deployment of DNSSEC in parallel
with the deployment of DMARC by both Domain Owners and Mail

12.3. DNSセキュリティ


Publication of data using DNSSEC is relevant to Domain Owners and
third-party Report Receivers. DNSSEC-aware resolution is relevant to
Mail Receivers and Report Receivers.


12.4. Display Name Attacks

A common attack in messaging abuse is the presentation of false
information in the display-name portion of the RFC5322.From field.
For example, it is possible for the email address in that field to be
an arbitrary address or domain name, while containing a well-known
name (a person, brand, role, etc.) in the display name, intending to
fool the end user into believing that the name is used legitimately.
The attack is predicated on the notion that most common MUAs will
show the display name and not the email address when both are

12.4. 表示名による攻撃


Generally, display name attacks are out of scope for DMARC, as
further exploration of possible defenses against these attacks needs
to be undertaken.


There are a few possible mechanisms that attempt mitigation of these
attacks, such as the following:

o If the display name is found to include an email address (as
specified in [MAIL]), execute the DMARC mechanism on the domain
name found there rather than the domain name discovered
originally. However, this addresses only a very specific attack
space, and spoofers can easily circumvent it by simply not using
an email address in the display name. There are also known cases
of legitimate uses of an email address in the display name with a
domain different from the one in the address portion, e.g.,


o 表示名に電子メールアドレスが含まれていることを([MAIL]に記載されるように)検知した場合、最初に検索したドメイン名ではなく検知したドメイン名に対してDMARCのメカニズムを実行する。しかし、これは、きわめて特定された攻撃場所への対処でしかないので、スプーファーは、表示名に電子メールアドレスを単に使用しないことによって容易に回避することができる。また、ドメインがアドレス部のドメインと異なる表示名の電子メールアドレスを正規に使用するケースが知られている。例えば、以下の通りである。

        From: "user@example.org via Bug Tracker" 
        From: "user@example.org via Bug Tracker" 

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