Participants in the Sender-ID experiment need to be aware that the way Resent-* header fields are used will result in failure to receive legitimate email when interacting with standards-compliant systems (specifically automatic forwarders which comply with the standards by not adding Resent-* headers, and systems which comply with RFC 822 but have not yet implemented RFC 2822 Resent-* semantics). It would be inappropriate to advance Sender-ID on the standards track without resolving this interoperability problem.Sender-ID実験の参加者は、Resent-*ヘッダフィールドを使う方法では、標準に準拠したシステム(特に、Resent-*ヘッダを追加しない方法で標準に準拠している自動転送器や、RFC822には準拠しているがRFC2822のResent-*セマンティクスを実装していないシステム)との対話時に正しい電子メールを受信できない結果になることに注意が必要だ。
The community is invited to observe the success or failure of the two approaches during the two years following publication, in order that a community consensus can be reached in the future.将来的に意見の一致に至らせるため、インターネットコミュニティに対して、今後の2年間で本RFCの2種類の方法が成功するか失敗するかを観察するよう求める。
Internet mail suffers from the fact that much unwanted mail is sent using spoofed addresses -- "spoofed" in this case means that the address is used without the permission of the domain owner. This document describes a family of tests by which SMTP servers can determine whether an e-mail address in a received message was used with the permission of the owner of the domain contained in that e-mail address.
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