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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
  • サイト紹介


o Other than in exceptional circumstances such as resource
exhaustion, can generate or accept a report up to ten megabytes in

o If acting as a Mail Receiver, fully implements the provisions of
Section 6.6.

o リソース不足などの特別な状況を除き、最大10メガバイトのレポートを作成したり、受け付けたりすることができる。

o メール受信者として動作する場合、6.6節に記載する内容をすべて実装する。

9. Privacy Considerations

This section discusses security issues specific to private data that
may be included in the interactions that are part of DMARC.

9. プライバシーに対する検討事項


9.1. Data Exposure Considerations

Aggregate reports are limited in scope to DMARC policy and
disposition results, to information pertaining to the underlying
authentication mechanisms, and to the identifiers involved in DMARC

9.1. データ漏洩に対する検討事項


Failed-message reporting provides message-specific details pertaining
to authentication failures. Individual reports can contain message
content as well as trace header fields. Domain Owners are able to
analyze individual reports and attempt to determine root causes of
authentication mechanism failures, gain insight into
misconfigurations or other problems with email and network
infrastructure, or inspect messages for insight into abusive


Both report types may expose sender and recipient identifiers (e.g.,
RFC5322.From addresses), and although the [AFRF] format used for
failed-message reporting supports redaction, failed-message reporting
is capable of exposing the entire message to the report recipient.


Domain Owners requesting reports will receive information about mail
claiming to be from them, which includes mail that was not, in fact,
from them. Information about the final destination of mail where it
might otherwise be obscured by intermediate systems will therefore be


When message-forwarding arrangements exist, Domain Owners requesting
reports will also receive information about mail forwarded to domains
that were not originally part of their messages’ recipient lists.
This means that destination domains previously unknown to the Domain
Owner may now become visible.


Disclosure of information about the messages is being requested by
the entity generating the email in the first place, i.e., the Domain
Owner and not the Mail Receiver, so this may not fit squarely within


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