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IAjapan 財団法人インターネット協会
有害情報対策ポータルサイト 迷惑メール対策編
  • 一般利用者の皆様へ
  • メール管理者の皆様へ
  • 関連情報
  • サイト紹介

Page 8

The almamater.edu.example MTA must now forward this message to
bob@company.com.example.  Although the original sender of the message
is alice@example.com, Alice is not responsible for this most recent
retransmission of the message.  That role is filled by
bob@almamater.edu.example, who established the forwarding of mail to
bob@company.com.example.  Therefore, the almamater.edu.example MTA
determines a new purported responsible address for the message,
namely, bob@almamater.edu.example, and sets the SUBMITTER parameter
accordingly.  The forwarding MTA also inserts a Resent-From header in
the message body to ensure the purported responsible address derived
from the RFC 2822 headers matches the SUBMITTER address.
    S: 220 company.com.example ESMTP server ready
    C: EHLO almamater.edu.example
    S: 250-company.com.example
    S: 250-DSN
    S: 250-AUTH
    S: 250-SUBMITTER
    S: 250 SIZE
    C: MAIL FROM:<alice@example.com>
    S: 250 <alice@example.com> sender ok
    C: RCPT TO:<bob@company.com.example>
    S: 250 <bob@company.com.example> recipient ok
    C: DATA
    S: 354 okay, send message
    C: Resent-From: bob@almamater.edu.example
    C: Received By: ...
    C: (message body goes here)
    C: .
    S: 250 message accepted
    C: QUIT
    S: 221 goodbye


S: 220 company.com.example ESMTP server ready
C: EHLO almamater.edu.example
S: 250-company.com.example
S: 250-DSN
S: 250-AUTH
S: 250 SIZE
C: MAIL FROM:<alice@example.com>
S: 250 <alice@example.com> sender ok
C: RCPT TO:<bob@company.com.example>
S: 250 <bob@company.com.example> recipient ok
S: 354 okay, send message
C: Resent-From: bob@almamater.edu.example
C: Received By: …
C: (ここでメッセージ本体が送られる)
C: .
S: 250 message accepted
S: 221 goodbye

5.3.  Mobile User
Alice is at the airport and uses her mobile e-mail device to send a
message to Bob.  The message travels through the carrier network
provided by mobile.net.example, but Alice uses her example.com
address on the From line of all her messages so that replies go to
her office mailbox.

5.3. モバイルユーザ


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